Jane's new blog

New pictures of family, pets and travels. Will add as time goes on.

Saturday, April 30, 2005

Tiger! 10.4

I remember when Muddy Waters sang "Tiger in your Tank", amazing blues song.

But now its got even more meaning, Apple's new OS, 10.4 is awesome according to my classmates and friends.
This is one easy install he says.

And I have more links and info for people who are interested. Yet, I am waiting a bit to see how many bugs there are. I dont have too many third party stuff in this computer, so probably wont have many problems with my installation.
So keep your eyes on the forums, watch for problems, but lets go get Tiger right away.
Many new goodies in it too, so lets go get it.

Friday, April 29, 2005


I just opened a can of tuna, and in it was an intact large black fly!
Not even crushed. Last week I opened a can of tuna and it had a pin hole in the bottom , it was rather smelly. But I didnt notice, just thought it was a bit whiffy, we ate it with not problem.
But the fly, well, Muffin loves tuna so this is hers.

Thursday, April 28, 2005

A little trouble renaming and repositioning photos

I must learn how to rename and reposition photos.
I forgot and used Safari to upload, and we should be using Firefox.
But was able to do this, convoluted, but successful.
The problem was that my profile photo was covered up with the regular photo.
Firefox has put it correct, the profile photo is floating on the page.
Hey, I am learning, and this is one nice, really nice blogging site.

Max, Sylvie, and Henry

Max, Sylvie, and Henry



Climbing Cousins


Sylvie, assistant Lifeguard


Henry and Max


Henry and Max coming home from the beach


Max is in the sunroom


Hannah is a wet happy dog


Muffin and Hannah


Henry the lifeguard




Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Muffin is now a Yellow lab

We found a nice gal who does dog grooming at your house, and she came over yesterday and fixed Muffin all up. No longer corderoy. Then she showed me how to clip better, and determined that I needed new or sharpened clipper heads. So I called Oster, got the address, and sent mine to be sharpened. Then bought 2 more new ones from Pet Edge.
So Muffin will look great from now on.
Full Yellow lab treatment! Then in mid winter we will let her lovely coat grow back out.

Saturday, April 23, 2005

Muffin has clipper problems

When you see pictures of Muffin, she will have almost no fur. She is a long haired, double-coated dog and needs to be clipped so that she doesnt suffer from too much heat. If she is too hot, she pants almost all night long and we can hear her puffing from her bed at the foot of our bed. Windows open and cool wind coming in. She has a wool undercoat.
She is part Samoyed as well as Yellow lab and Golden from what her Vet says. So clipping her down makes her much more comfortable.
So we have done this for many many years, but our clippers have finally given out, they are broken, or at least inoperable. So thats why Muffin looks Corderoy.
She could care less, as long as she is cool, but we are going to have her looking a lot very soon.

Dogs are very different from humans, as they dont care about "fashion" or how they look to other dogs(perhaps its mostly smell and body language?).
But its the owners who want the dog to look good as well as being cool and happy.
Funny isnt it.
Stay tuned for Muffin very smooth! The way we used to clip her.

Here are the first 10 pictures

This was April 21, 2005 and the weather was lovely for this time of year.
Henry, Sylvie, and Max had a great time at the beach, New Silver Beach. The wind was pretty much offshore and it was in the upper 60s.
Hannah and Muffin swam and swam.
The picture of the spider doesnt really belong here, I was just learning the proper way to upload pictures. I was messing around with a new Photoshop plug in called "Flood", its by Flaming Pear and its only $20. Ive made some really neat pictures with it. Its fun.
The nice thing about this Blogspot is that with a Mac you can upload your pictures to the Flickr photo album and your Blog at the same time, right from the same email. Pretty slick.
PCs you have to use another photo album, think its Picassa. Its good too.
OK, now I have learned how to Blog, my old ones last year didnt support pictures larger than a postage stamp. This one is nice.
Shall be adding to it as we go on.

Now to figure out how to upload my pictures.

Pictures coming,,,,,,,

Jane's new Blog

This new blog will have some recent pictures of the family and some pictures of recent travels.
Will be more pictures than text.
Then as time goes on, we will be adding more.