Jane's new blog

New pictures of family, pets and travels. Will add as time goes on.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Got a new sofa all for Lilly

We got this new sofa, and that night Lilly was very tired, and sitting partly on my lap while we were watching the Celtics win, she was dozing off and guess what?

She peed on my lap and the sofa, we are still laughing about it. We dont really care, as the new sofa was free.

Friday, November 30, 2007

Lilly at about 9 weeks

I forgot to upload this picture, its lovely.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Daddy is Bruschi, and Mom is Jewels

Great picture of great parents, Bruschi and Jewels. They are only about 2 themselves, and they sure had 6 amazing puppies. 3 boys and 3 girls. Of the 3 girls we have chosen ours and will bring her home soon.
But arent these parents just awesome doggies!

Maine Oct 17, great weather!

Here is Sylvie, she is 6 and a half and in first grade, so much fun!
And here I am not looking as old as I am. The kids keep us young, and thats the truth.

Lilly! Our new Puppy.

Here is Lilly, she is about 5 weeks old here, and we are to get her on or about 20 Oct, 07. This will be so much fun.
Here is a current picture of her, that I took on 6 Oct.

Saturday, August 04, 2007

One dog is enough

Long ago, I wrote into a mutual fund magazine about a failing fund, and here is the picture and the story.
The proper dog, of course, was Muffin, the failing fund was Dreyfus Leveredge.

Monday, March 26, 2007

March 07 at Fiddlers Cove marina

Was a nice day, so Daddy and I walked over to the Marina to see the new house under construction, no, it is not the new school or library, though its certainly large enough!
Its a nice walk over here, and its so close by, yet so different.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

A really old picture of Willie and Aiko in Maine

This must be around 1985 I guess, here is Willie and Aiko on the rocks out in front of the house.
This snapshot has been up on our fridge for years, and is rather moldy, I photoshopped the mold out, sharpened it a bit.

Monday, February 05, 2007

Grandkids Feb 07

Sylvie, Max, and Henry Left to Right
They sure are getting big! Henry is in 2nd grade, and both Sylvie and Max are in Kindergarten.
Henry will be 8 shortly, Max is 6 in Nov, and Sylvie will be 6 in May.
Here they are hamming it up in the sunroom, and its only 25 degrees out.
Hannah and Gus are in the living room in front of the wood stove, its gotta be 80 degrees in there.